Latest Chapter of MT:FOSROH came out. Two months in the making.
Worth it.
Not to spoil anything but Rainbow kicked major ass, Rhymey is broken and Flutterdash is a-go!
So my illustration of the overall chapter arc.
Centre: Rainbow Dash lands before the Ward Mansion where Rhymey has taken a broken Fluttershy and a brainwashed Applejack.
Superhero Landing!
Based Rainbow Dash's wings off the Scarlet Macaw. Seemed appropriate.
That mansion took me a while to sketch. Does the architecture remind you of anything?
Top-Left: Rhymey, now head of one of the most influential Unicornicopian families, hires mercenaries to impede the Bearers efforts. Chiefly among them are a trio of Aerophants, formidable foes for any flier.(Aerophants came from Prince Staghorn's The Known World. Worth joining)
Bottom-Left: Consumed with worry for her friends in these times of war, Applejack becomes a target for Rhymey's mind-games, manipulating her into servitude. Guarding the mansion from the Bearers, she faces off against Glarity whose face just screams 'I so do not want to have to do this'
In the end though, she fights through it, remembering that the responsibility of looking out for her friends is not the crushing burden Rhymey had her believe but the proudest honour and the role she chose herself.
Bottom-Right: Fluttershy, duped, threatened and degraded for the last time and knowing at last that her friends will never give up on her, finally breaks free of Rhymey's control and openly defies him denouncing his self-interested and twisted concepts of his love for her.
Rhymey's mind-control amounts to nothing. Her inner strength and willpower becomes too great for her hateful husband to suppress as she at last accepts that the true love of her life and the one she will never give up on is none other than Rainbow Dash.
Top-Right: His lofty ambitions, dreams of power, control and his 'ideal wife' taken from him, Rhymey loses what little left of his sanity and principles remain. Banished from Starfleet, declared an enemy of Equestria and without a friend in the world, his pitiful circumstance catches the eye of a certain conqueror with few qualms about taking in thoroughly irredeemable folk for his army of darkness.
All characters portrayed are property of Legendbringer's MT:FOSROH.