artist description:
So this is Twilight's family.
Twilight has had a hectic love life. All of her three kids have different fathers. Her oldest, Inkwell, is the son of Flash Sentry. He and Twilight divorced when Inky was about 4 years old. Inky had a very lonely childhood with both of his parents being extremely busy and then getting on each others nerves from their stress and ended up fighting a lot. Inky always had a fear that it was somehow his fault and that he was never good enough. This led him to start to block out his family and everyone around him, turning him into a complete grump who studies way to much.
He and Twilight has a though time understanding eachother. Twilight is trying to make up for lost time yet Inky doesn't want anything to do with her.
Inky also has some problems with the fact that he can't use magic. His entire family is gifted with some sort of magical ability exceot for him and it makes him feel even more undeserving. He has delved deep into studying old tomes in order to find a way to gain magical abilities.
He also holds grudges against his sisters. Feeling jealous of the fact that they get the attention he never got.
After Flash Twilight started dating Sunburst. The two of them got along well and decided to move in together. They waited with marriage, Twilight not wanting to throw herself in it too quickly again.
Together they had Twilight's first daughter, Marigold Twinkle. However after some time their relationship got a bit rocky and they decided to break up, but was still on good terms.
During this time Twilight had a bit of a fling with prince Rutherford. It wasn't really anything serious yet they were a bit uncarefull and Twilight ended up with another daughter, Love Letter.
Sunburst and Twilight stayed good friends and helped eachother get together with their current partners. Twilight with Starlight and Sunburst with Blueblood.
Sunburst still keeps close to his daughter as Twilight and he has joint custody of her. Being very close to Love Letter aswell she sometimes joins her older sister on her trips over to her dads house.
Starlight and Twilight doesn't have any kids together yet they are happy anyway with their family. Starlight often tries to reach out to Inkwell, suspecting that he might be up to no good, but he doesn't want to hear it.
Ugh this took sooooo looooong and im not even happy with the result…
I tried some new shading stuff and I'm not sure if I like it. But i decided to upload it anyway.
Anyway, hairball got an official name, thanks tofor the suggestion!
I also changed Marigolds mane a bit, will update her bio soon.
EDIT: I changed my ship so I updated the family picture. StarTwi for life <3<3<3
Old picture:
Characters seen:by Vindhovby Vindhov