Numbers refer to captions below images, 1 = top
(2) Genie Twilight: It was the morning of the 2nd day of me and Spike’s vacation to Saddle Arabia, I woke up and decided to trot out to town for a bit. I didn’t plan to be gone for too long, so I didn’t even bother to tell Spike who was still sleeping. Nothing of note came about until I came across this pottery-making stallion named Malakhar.
(3) In retrospect, there was a few red flags here and there that should of been obvious to me. From being the only pony in Saddle Arabia mentioning my good deeds, inviting me in to his hut privately, and presenting me with a bottle that he said would increase my magical power simply by opening it. At the same time though, he seemed nice enough. And in truth his motive for genifying me was not out of any evil plan or anything. Nevertheless, I was a fool myself to go along with it all not knowing what would happen next.
(4) And that of course, was getting sucked into the bottle.
(5) I did have some time to decide whether or not I wanted to stay a genie at least. And after finding that maybe being a genie wasn’t so bad as I feared, it admittedly actually made things a bit hard to choose.
(6) I ultimately decided to stay one for Spike. And throughout all of the years since that fateful day, I have definitely felt stronger and stronger that I made the right decision, me and Spike are closer then ever before. We even officially adopted each other as Mother and Son one year later.
(7) ((For those who may have not seen the full story (Wouldn’t be too surprised given how old the blog is), here is Genie Twi’s origin story (Note that for some reason some parts are out of order. The crowd shot is before Twilight meeting with Malakhar for example) or alternately I had a friend who made a full-on fanfic version.
And if you’d like to hear Genie Rainbow’s story next week or so, leave an ask for it ))