Original description:Reminds me "He lives in you" =D
When Eri was little, her pony-parents took her for a vacation far away from Nickel Cape. She could see the open sun for the first time. Not through the clouds or on the cliff-wall, but right above her head, bright and warm. She was so exhilarated! It's bad for a pony who wears sun in her mane to be stuck in a shady place for too long. Maybe that's why her magic isn't very strong…
As I started the challenge, I thought of 2 things. First, after it's over I'll more than double the number of my artworks uploaded. Second… Well, I normally avoided upload-flooding. If I separated all the comic pages, they'd be 151. Over 500 panels. After that, it's silly to think I couldn't finish the challenge. =D
Still, the challenge is rather for ideas. MLP style is simple, I don't get to play with anatomy much and I don't tend to give MLP characters too realistic anatomy like some artists do. So it's not too hard to draw, rather hard to think of something non-cliched.
Praise Celestia! :iconprincesscelestiaplz:
2. Love. <<<Navigation>>> 4. Dark.