Original description:Normally I do exercises for my hand before drawing. But it's a waste of time as simple lines and shapes aren't a very interesting topic for upload. And when I try to start my day with sketches, the lines don't look very pleasant. ; Sorry.
Well, Eri said everything. I could only add that I loved the old DA logo. New one has awful shape and color. =D Oh well, the future is coming, like it or not.
I should probably pay more attention to the numbers that do matter, like main page views counter. Well, I missed the moment of 30k… Maybe I'll celebrate 42k, 50k aaand… 64k. Yep, good numbers. =D Although I won't ASK for favs and views, it's pointless when I see people doing that. It's not like visitors are a hive-mind that would listen and all help at once, come several times from different IPs and fav what they don't like. Such things should come naturally. ;
But… I admit, all these numbers, especially comments, are a good inspirational boost for any artist. I read all the comments, even if I don't always reply. It helps. So… Thanks guys for coming by. Eri enjoys seeing you visit. __
Yay! Doodles!
(thanks for this one, Vedont =D)