Notes scribbled in a pink flower-printed notebook titled "Property of Sparkling Breeze — KEEP OUT":
I finally arrived in Ponyville today, on the trail of proper leads on the Greater Cave Tentacula. Lord Virtuoso sent me all the way out here to prove his own theories about the Tentacula, but really I plan on doing my own studies. I respect Lord Virtuoso more than any other pony alive, but when it comes to the Greater Cave Tentacula, his views have become very biased ever since beginning research on the species. He will not budge on his stance that there is nothing special about the Cave Tentacula, and has flatout rejected avenues of thought because they don't match with his own conclusions. When I postulated that the Greater Cave Tentacula might not actually be related to the tentalicus genus, he all but threw me out of the room without hearing anything I had to say! Maybe it's because I'm just a lowly intern, or maybe it's because I'm a pegasus and not a unicorn like the rest of the researchers. Which is why I'm going to prove myself first!
For that reason, I'm going to be carrying out my own inquiries, and judging by the recent spat of reports, Ponyville is the best place to start my search.
Lord Virtuoso refuses to believe that ponies would willingly breed — regularly, sometimes — with something as strange as a Tentacula. So my first line of business will be proving that they do. Or proving myself wrong, whichever the case may be.
I wasn't in town for more than a few hours when I came across a mare who seemed somewhat out of sorts. After talking with her a bit, I correctly deduced the symptoms of Tentacula venom, having been injected with it myself in the name of scientific inquiry. It is my hope that this mare will hold all the answers I require!
Oh my, whatever could happen to Rarity in a cave full of tentacle monsters?
For further information, refer to 'fuck her gently' by Tenacious D.
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