Oh man, I'm so glad I redesigned her. O_o" :'D
"Ready for action!"
Carousel is the oldest daughter of Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie's second child.
Nicknames: None really. Besides THE MAGNIFICENT MARVELOUS CAROUSELLA! Because, honestly, stage magic done by an earth pony is cooler than by a unicorn.
Age: Older teenager
Gender: Female
Race: Full Earth Pony
Parents: Pinkie Pie, Element of Harmony (Laughter) (MOTHER); Cheese Sandwich, Party Pony (FATHER)
Special Talent: Carousel's a circus performer at heart. She's tried to run away with the circus before, but her parents are worried she's too young for the travelling life and always pull her back
to Ponyville.
Personality: Ponies often find Carousel rude and a bit of a jerk because of her brutal honesty. And honestly, she is pretty arrogant as she's spent a lot of time around Trixie (whenever she's in Ponyville). Other times, Carousel is perfectly nice and willing to help out, especially when her parents are around. Usually, she has an attitude problem.
Appearance: She has a dark magenta coat with a light blue/grey mane and tail. She has dark bluish-grey eyes. His mane and tail are not as curly as her parents', and is instead more like her aunts' manes.
Backstory: She grew up in Ponyville with her parents, her older brother Garegin, and little sister Willy Nilly. She became friends with Arcane Strudel whenever her parents took her to a Party Pony convention and hung out with Sugar Belle and Party Favor, Strudel's parents. Carousel doesn't get along too well with her extended family, besides her cousins Obsidian and Cinnabar.
Modern: She helps manage and run the annual Ponyville Fair, performing stage magic and a lion tamer show with her an assortment of stunt cats hired from the Equestrian Jungle.
Shipped with: No one yet. Her crush on her bestie Arcane Strudel, son of Party Favor and Sugar Belle, is one-sided unfortunately.
I'm actually really proud of this drawing. The sketch was like my best in a while. :'D