"The Squad" is a group of ponies (and an alligator) that was founded by a the friends Lyra and Bon Bon to help ponies and other species with problems that twilight and her friends cannot handle. The group started with only three members; Lyra, Bon Bon and Liza Doolots. But over time, more members joined in, starting with Smash Gamer, then with Diamond Tiara, Trixie Lulamoon, Kevin the Changeling, Sunset Shimmer, Tola Roola and Coconut Cream, Gummy, Fluttershy and King Sombra as the most recent member. The Squad doesn't have an exact leader but it is usually Bon Bon that makes most of the decisions, with Sombra just having to deal with it, despite being a king.
Fluttershy joined in after an argument with Discord with lead to him cutting his ties with her. Since then she has been a bit of a bridge between "The Squad" and Twilight's friends. But not all of them are in support of this idea, Rarity and Rainbow Dash in particular. Starlight is somewhat okay with it, since Trixie is one of her best friends and twilight used to be somewhat fine with it, until she found out that a "non-reformed" changeling and King Sombra was part of the group (mostly the later).
Bon Bon: So Flash Sentry asked Princess Twilight: "Would you like to marry me?" and Twilight answered: "No but I admire your great taste!"
Smash: HAHAHAHA!! Oh my god!
Liza Doolots: Hihihi! Sounds really like something she would say!
Fluttershy: giggles
Kevin: hisses I love me a good joke!
Diamond Tiara: Her ego knows no bounds!
Smash: And yet she is the most humane and understanding of all the princesses.
Toola Roola: Yeah, she helped us strengthen our friendship!
Coconut Cream: Totally!
Sunset: Guys, we probably should be a Little more quiet. She might hear us.
Lyra: Yes, that is probably for the better.
King Sombra: I don't understand…
Gummy: (Diamond Tiara's statement is correct. Princesses do have a bit of an ego and they are easily triggered. There is no denying such that fact. But it is true that Twilight Sparkle and to an extend Cadence at least have understanding of other ponies on a more grounded level. Could ot be because they are artificial alicorns and haven't been around for 1000 years?)
Liza Doolots bt tritebristle
Coconut Cream and Toola Roola by cloudyglow
King Sombra by legat
Lyra Heartstrings by tardifice
Trixie Lulamoon by limedazzle
Sunset Shimmer by icantunloveyou
Gummy by poveniy
Fluttershy by thatguy1945
Bon Bon, Diamond Tiara Kevin, and Twilight Sparkle have no credited source
Background by scootaloooo