Celestia: Thank you for reminding me of all the good things that I have managed to do for my subjects.
Solar: No problem mom.
Celestia: So, I don't have anything particular on my schedule so what do you want to do?
Solar: How about watching the Wonderbolt Race? I heard that Rainbow Dash recently joined them!
Celestia: Of course, let's hurry up before the tickets are sold out!
Solar: Yes mother! Will aunt Luna be there?
Celestia: I am not sure, we'll just have to see.
So Celestia and Solar Knight flew towards the Canterlot arena to get their tickets for the Wonderbolt Race! Meanwhile Harmonica was in town to pick up some books and saw Celestia and her son before they flew away.
Harmonica: Oh my blushes that colt is adorable! squees I am falling… in love. gasps in happiness
But there were three other mares that also wanted Solar Knight and they were not going to surrender.
Unicorn: Did you hear that girls?
Earth: Clear as day! We can't allow her to have him!
Unicorn: Absolutley! He is the son of Princess Celestia for goodness sake!
Pegasus: But what about Feather Bang?
Earth: ARGH! He was alright… until we saw this young stallion!
Unicorn: Yeah, here is the plan! We take him to a private room after the Wonderbolts Race and fuck him there!
Pegasus: Good idea! I am getting wet just by thinking about it.
Earth: But remember, we shall all have our fair share of him!
Pegasus: Of course. We'll make sure that he turns all of us into mothers!
All of them: laughs
Background by a01421
Princess Celestia by pilot231
The admirer's by sonofaskywalker
Solar Knight's cutie mark by aquaticneon