So I had trouble sleeping and I tried finishin up this doodle I started earlier in class. Good news is that y'all can see is that I found my drawing pens! I found them in the main office where they said they found them in the lobby last week.
Now, as for the image, it was just something fun to do! Mostly for the fact I got to draw Duckie again after a long time, and secondly this is the first non-sketch image I did of upload… and the first image of him in genral that I've properly uploaded to here. This isn't even supposed to be his design, he's supposed to be a normal unicorn. But oh my god, I might do this one with the classical design more if y'all are okay with it.
I was originally was gonna leave it with these two but…. it looked empty as hell. I lost my pencil and the only thing I could do is just draw whatever can work. So I added a table with some snacks over the left, the middle was yesterday's featured image (by the time I finished it had changed), and some doors to the right for the mods and admins. Not much, but I was kinda in a pickle here with the small size, weird position of drawing, and some unfavorable weather.
I did fuck up a bit on some things. Most noticeably Duckie's cutie mark and Upload's tail. But aside from that, this came out reasonably well on a… I'm gonna estimate a 3×5 inch index card? Yeah that sounds about right.
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