Artist's comment:
Ok, so it begins. I'm doing something crazy to try new stuff and go through extreme stress. Again. Hopefully it'll make me stronger and allow me to draw more.
Many of you enjoyed my suffering last year. Well, I enjoyed it too. =D As painful as it was, it was fun. And the best excuse ever is "why not". I wanted to try Inktober. I couldn't last year. Now I can. So why not. __
Inktober was first started by Jake Parker. The guy has amazing skills with ink. And so here you can see the prompt list for this year's Inktober. (I'll add navigation later, same as I did before)
So… it'll be very experimental. I have 0 experience with ink. Well, a tiny bit more now. Of course I tried it a few days ago to see if it explodes under my hand. It doesn't but the effect is about the same. It's terribly hard. It takes to know how ink works. And I surely don't. Which is a perfect base for learning something new. =D
"You don't know pride. You don't know fear. You don't know anything. You'll be perfect" © GlaDOS
Thus I will use pencil bases, I won't do "just me and ink and paper" kind of stuff. Cause it seems it won't be full of mistakes, it will be just random mess. Well, unless I draw something random like a rock. But… Few of you want to look at a rock, right? ;
And I have some supplies here, I'll try different ones. Maybe I'll stick to something, maybe I'll just rotate through them all during Inktober. I tried them and I can't say one is easier than another. None allow free-hand drawing, none give me precision and freedom. It's like trying to ride a dragon. So… Let's ride one! :dance:
PS: Oh yeah, I will use the pencil pre-sketch but I won't redo them. Unless they are really ruined. It's kinda the spirit of Inktober — nothing can be fixed, high risk. The rule for me and the fun for you to watch my fails. ;
Swift guy. Ok, I picked an easier one for the start: 0.5 gel pen Erich Krause. Soft flow, less mess
Oh god, when it's over I'll worship my pencil >_<