I wanted to draw something for the occasion but I didn't get any better idea. Just Dr. Still — the scientist. Cause… it's a mathematical checkpoint. 65536 views. Or 2^16. Or (if you're young) it's 2 multiplied by 2 16 times. Would look better a year ago.
And oh my goodness! I love my pencil! I so enjoy it! It does exactly what I need! It's so well behaved! holds pencil up I HAVE THE POWER!!!
Anyway, thanks for the numbers guys! It's more fun to know that it all is for everyone, not just myself. ;
Right, Eri?
:iconerifaceplz: :iconsaysplz: Yeah! Carrots! =D
Upvotes at import: 79 | Stars at import: 43 Posted previously at: 2017-10-23T21:11:41 | Posted previously by: PlotHole
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