When recently I used Styrofoam (and some other stuff) to create a unicorn horn for a theater performance in which I was playing Princess Platinum I decided I wanted to try to make more of it (Styrofoam).
Styrofoam can be cut easily with a hot wire, it is very light and can be painted (in case of this figure I used acrylic paint. However, styrofoam is also a rather unforgiving material to work with. It melts away very quickly before the hot wire and mistakes cannot easily be corrected. Most importantly, melting the styrofoam produces some toxic fumes (you hear that, Trixie? I inhaled poison for you! ) and unfortunately I got no working place that can be ventilated easily. For all that I am not likely to produce many more styrofoam figures, but it was a lot of fun to make this Trixie anyway.
I'm going to come up with some more pictures of her (from different sides etc.) in the upcomming days, but I haven't managed to finish a collage of those pictures yet but wanted to make sure at least one image was ready in time for Trixie day of Equestria Daily.