Princess Cicada
Parents: Princess Luna and King Thorax
Sibling(s): None
Species: Changeling/Pony Hybrid
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Place of Birth: Canterlot
Current Residence: Canterlot
Special talent: Dancing
Occupation: Princess
Nickname(s): None
Cicada was born to Princess Luna and King Thorax who married to form an alliance between Canterlot and the Changeling Kingdom. At first, Luna and Thorax did not care much for each other romantically. However, they soon came to love each other and produced an heir not long after.
Since she is half changeling, Cicada does not have a cutie mark. Nevertheless, she does have a special talent: dancing. Cicada loves performing the ceremonial changeling dances and often puts on a mini-show for dignitaries to celebrate their arrival. Cicada feels most free when dancing and singing. She is frequently seen humming to herself and twirling about the castle hallways. However, when she sings, it causes an army of bugs to follow her wherever she goes, much to the disgust of the Canterlot employees.
Cicada is very much a creative type. She loves making up new dances and songs. However, that doesn’t prevent her from performing her daily princess duties. When it comes to managing the kingdom, Cicada becomes very strict. She takes her role seriously and works hard to keep her subjects happy.
Cicada has a great relationship with both her parents. They love her dearly, and she loves them back. Cicada’s calm personality meshes well with Luna’s quiet one and Thorax’s gentle nature. She spends plenty of her time with both parents. Though, she tends to lean more towards her father. She genuinely enjoys changeling culture and frequently visits the Changeling Kingdom.
Cicada’s best friend is Lance. Despite Lance’s snobby personality, the two get along well. Cicada is one of the few who can put up with Lance’s attitude. They immediately bonded over makeup and hair. Now, Cicada and Lance meet up for weekly spa days where they exchange gossip and laughs. Cicada is the only pony that knows Lance is gay, and she would never tell anyone his secret.
Cicada has a pretty good relationship with her cousin, Princess Aurora Borealis. Aurora tends to be a little too silly sometimes for Cicada’s taste. However, the two do enjoy spending time together. They often take walks through the Canterlot gardens and talk about life.
- Cicada is a proficient whistler. She can whistle any tune perfectly.
- She feels bad for her grandmother, Queen Chrysalis, and wishes that she would join the changelings once more
- Cicada loves butterflies
- She hates rap music
- Cicada is a vegan