Meet Axl, the twin brother of Speedy and like with Speedy I can't exactly detail his life without spoiling the same story. ; But I can detail his EG counterpart, P.S Axl was never an Unicorn.
Equestria Girls Axl's bio is as follows:
Age — Same age as Speedy whose a year or 2 older than Scootaloo
Sexual Preference — Straight
Interests — Potions and music, had a crush on Octavia
Relatives — Is adopted by Zecora at a very young age, (has a twin brother named Speedy, look at his sheet for info)
Friends — Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Octavia, and Babs Seed
Dislikes — Speedy constantly embarrassing him in front of Maud Pie
Dream/Goal — To be like Zecora but also to learn the violin
Personality — Somewhat closed off, stays to himself a lot and only has a few friends. He's very creative and has a good memory. Similar to Speedy in that he has a good heart but is less likely to actually get involve. Only Speedy knows who he has feelings towards.
Biggest Fear/Weakness — Rejection
Strength — His friends, when he actually listens to them