My first (and possibly only) entry to Percy-McMurphy's contest. I really like Giraffititan and Lavender since their introduction and I wanted to draw them together. Originally, I was just going to have Giraffititan here act as the designated escort, tasked with carrying Lavender home after a night out with their fellow guards (his small size makes me think he can't handle his liquor) and him being all pissed that his partner is all clingy and stuff when drunk. Then around the end, I thought of how I wanted to ship them and that this was the perfect opportunity. I mean, why hold back, am I right?
As for dialogue, I can't think of anything specific since the romantic subplot came only as I was coloring this. But if I had to come up with something on the spot, it'd probably be Lavender either snuggling up to Giraffititan due to his naturally warm body:
"Ah, you are so warm~ Warm me up, Titan.
Or him drunkingly confessing to his grumpy partner
"Have I mentioned recently how much I love you, Titan? You're my favorite dragon hybrid."
"There aren't that many hybrids so it's a short list."
"And you top them all."