One Night in the Canterlot Castle, FallenStar was walking in the hallway to see the beautiful night until she do her royal duty for tonight until she seen a deer looking at FallenStar and ran into the forest. She thought the deer was in trouble so she follow the deer into the the same spot where the deer vanish into.
FallenStar: flying fast into the forest Grr! Where is that deer?! The forest getting think. I cannot fly over it i cannot find the deer. shape-shift in to a deer and continues to find the deer Oh my! This is fun, like really fun! I feel so free!! I never felt so alive! Turning into a deer is the best thing ever!
Unknown Deer: running aside Fallenstar but she cannot see the deer's face I knew you will follow Princess. I'm happy you can see you being yourself for the first time.
Fallenstar: Why? I thought you was in trouble so i followed you.
Unknown Deer: I was not in trouble. I know you would be looking out the window. I watch you ever night looking up in the sky and i'm happy you came. I want you to feel the beauty of the night, Princess.
FallenStar: Wow, I never felt this good in my life. I think my one wish is to feel alive… to feel free! Thank you smiling and laugh
Unknown Deer: You're Welcome Princess. I hope I see you again. Deer vanish into deeper part of the forest
FallenStar: You will! as she say it so proudly
FallenStar continues to run until she got to a cliff and as she stands so splendidly, a shooting star pass by so fast making her glow as bright as that fallen star.
Fallenstar seen that deer so many times at night but ever know why but after following the deer she feel alive, like herself and ever since then she be roaming into the forest at night as a deer. since then ponies seen the " Black beautiful deer" and think the can get real wishes at night once the spotted her but never can tell who was it since its so dark out every night.
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