"Now be careful, children." Teacher lead a small group children who ran out of the door. As she
hurried after them, she was greeted with marvelous sight. Two of the giant Equestrian giants had come
and not just any ponies, but Princess Cadance and Princess Luna, dressed in bright red winter clothing.
Princess Cadance chuckled softly as she looked at the tiny children running to her.
"Aw, hello there, little children." She said gently, bringing her head down a little.
"Did you bring us presents, Princess Cadance?" Some of the children asked as they stopped right in front of her massive hooves.
"We brought you presents." A new voice said behind them. Princess Luna walked close to Cadance, towering over
everything in the city. She even had black boots around her hooves, completing her Christmas style outfit.
"O-oh, we are sorry, Princess Luna." The children backed away from the giant
Princess of the Night and some of them even hid behind Cadance's fore-hooves.
"Aw, Luna don't scare them." Cadance said, scolding Luna a little. Luna giggled and floated a large sack
on the ground. "I was just kidding, little ones." She smiled. "Here, this is from all the ponies from
Equestria." She said, opening the sack with her magic and revealing a huge pile of gift wrapped packages.
As the children ran to the presents, few adults gathered near the giant Princesses.
"Thank you for coming, this means a lot to them," their teacher said.
Cadance chuckled. "Oh, it was no problem at all. We love visiting tinies like this." She
said gently, helping few of the younger children to open the presents with her magic.
"Thank you for coming here, Princess Cadance! Princess Luna!" Few of the children said in unison, looking up at the giant ponies.
Princess Cadance let out a small giggle and brought her head down to nuzzle them. "You are very welcome, little one." She said.