This is an idea I had for a very long time and I finally decided to make it happen for this Christmas Day. x3
This has been a very good year on deviantArt for me and I decided to end it off with one more vector.
I might do something for New Year's Eve as well, but don't count on it though.
Merry Christmas 2017 to all of you. :D
————————————————————————- Comment Topic of the day: What is one thing that you got for Christmas, if you celebrate it? ————————————————————————- Vector — ComfyDove (Me) Edited and vectorized from Season 7 Episode: "Parental Glideance"
Software — Paint Tool SAI Time Taken — 3 hours, 7 minutes Reasoning of drawing: Christmas Special 2017. ————————————————————————— I appreciate you for reading the description.
And finally, I hope you have a great day, guys and gals, mares and stallions. w