Guys, I'd like to tell you about an artist named AAfh.
His New Year's resolution for 2017 was "to learn to draw." His first image, seen in the upper-left corner, was of Rarity — which consisted of several rectangles, a sloppily-drawn mane and tail, a simple head, and an oversized cutie mark. By fandom standards, it wasn't that great. And I'm sure he knew that. But it was a start.
And over the course of the year, AAfh's sketched one pony per day, scanning and uploading them to this website, drawn in various poses, paying attention to the lighting angle (I don't know many artists on the Booru who also do), and, if neither if these were changed, with a new facial expression. Initially he took lessons from fellow artists on /mlp/, but after a while, once he got the hang of drawing, he did things his own way, by himself. Eventually, he was able to reproduce his first image, this time being much more faithful to the show.
His go-to character was Twilight Sparkle (yes, the unicorn, never the alicorn princess), having drawn her on 255 days, but he's also done:
· Rainbow Dash on 36 days
· Applejack on 32 days
· Pinkie Pie on 18 days
· Fluttershy on 8 days
· Rarity on 6 days
· Derpy Hooves on 2 days
· and 8 other ponies that have each appeared only on one day
If someone asked me to name a great artist, they'd probably expect me to answer with Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Georgia O'Keeffe, Claude Monet, or anyone of their likes. But for me, I will always think of AAfh, who cared nothing for masterpieces, only working actively to improve on his work.
Link to 1st image
Link to latest image
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