Sweet Bailey Apple
Sweet Bee, Bailey
Parents: Applejack and Jet Set
Voice: High pitched and nervous
Special Talents: Hard working, diagnostic & treatment
Sweet Bee is a very modest mare with a bit of a neurotic streak
Though she's very intelligent and well-versed in her career (Doctor) she spent a good 7-10 years trying to prove she was every bit as competent as a Unicorn.
Early Equestrian medical studies showed that 60% of Doctors are Unicorn, 25% are Pegasus and only 10% are Earth Pony or some other non-pony beings.
Some of the best schools for medicine are found in Canterlot and the BEST program is in a fully Unicorn school
So it came as a surprise when the stuffy selection committee were more than happy to set aside a seat for Sweet Bee
The young mare did all her schooling in Canterlot and made the journey every weekend home to Ponyville to help out her family on Sweet Apple Acres
Though she's not one to brag, Sweet Bee has a busy life and is the LAST pony you'd want to take for granted!
She's now a doctor at Manehatten General and she specializes in the treatment of foals.
The job is tough and she often goes home and drowns out her guilt with alcohol.
Her only friend in the world is a little filly named Babe Root [daughter of Cheese Sammy and Lightning Dust] who stops by on her days off to torment her. Sweet B. has a soft spot for her!