“Sorry for not writing in a couple days. After I came back from the hike, I guess I needed some time to myself. I bumped into an old friend and she and I had an amazing conversation; I dare say it was life changing. I’m getting ahead of myself, however. Let’s start with what happened when I left for the hike.
“I got up early, earlier than normal. After getting showering and getting dressed, I packed my things, fed all the animals, and kissed Angel goodbye. Once I saw the sun coming up, I walked out and headed out. I had heard of this beautiful trail somewhere between Ponyville and Canterlot, and once I got there, I was amazed by the scenery; trees all around as far as the eye can see, flowers, bushes, boulders and rocks. There was even a lake far off in the distance; listening to the faint sound of birds chirping and the water rushing down the stream was extremely calming; it was the perfect mindset for me to be in. However, despite everything, there was still a part of me that felt scared and anxious. I was away from home, by myself, and in the woods. What if something where to happen to me? Luckily, that feeling didn’t last long, as I was too focused on what was in front of me and what was on my mind in the first place; the bully from my fillyhood and how it affected me. At one point, it bothered me so much, I… may have kicked a tree, harder than I realized. It scared me. With that fresh in my mind, I knew I needed to take a break.
“Just then, when I sat down to take a drink of water, I noticed someone at the corner of my eye. She must’ve heard me kicking the tree. I felt my heart skip a beat when she knew my name…”