Summer Wind: (yawns) "She isn't listening to me. Can ya calm her down? Ah need to go to school in the morning"
Apple Bloom: (from another room) "And somepony needs to sleep herself out after drinking too much cider… oh my poor head…"
Fluttershy: "Snowy, dear, there are no monste…"
Big Mac and Fluttershy: (look at each other, then play rock-paper-scissors. Fluttershy loses)
Fluttershy: (stands up and takes a broom) "Here there, Snowy, I'll drive away that nasty beast…"
Big Mac: (Takes crying Snow Blossom in arms) "Hush, little one, ya know mom knows how to deal with monsters."
(In Snow Blossom's room)
Fluttershy: (pokes broom under Snow Blossom's bed. Suddenly she really hits someting alive)
Voice: "I'm trying to sleep you know!!"
Fluttershy: "Discord?! What are you doing under my daughter's bed?!!"
Discord: "Really? Oops, I mixed up rooms this night! Usually I sleep under your bed."
Fluttershy: (her muzzle turns pale) You… under my… our… every…
Dsicord: (leaps out from under the bed) "Phwa, you should see the look on your face, Fluttershy darling!"
Fluttershy: (stands silently for some time then… faints)
Dsicord: Actually that was a joke. (looks down at yellow pegasus) Hmm, perhaps I overdid a little bit… (notices Fluttershy's family members in the doors) Well.. hello, everypony?
Big Mac: (frowns and begins dragging Fluttershy back to senses)
Snow Blossom: (looks at Discord) "Ya were under my bed?"
Discord: (shrugs) "That was a…"
Snow Blossom: "Weeeeeee!" (jumps on Discord's neck) Ya'r funny!!! Can you fly? Take me for a drive, I want to fly!!!"
Summer Wind: (looks at Fluttershy in fear) "Mom, what's up with you? Mom? (turns to Discord with bloodshot eyes) Nopony offends Fluttershy! NOPONY!!!" (jumps at Discod with an angry roar)
Discord: Yikes! (quickly teleports outside) Wild kiddies. Fluttersly doesn't have to worry about anything with such defenders. (takes a watch from his pocket) Oh, I'm late to Canterlot. Wonder what will Princess Sunbutt throw at me, when i wake her up tis time? (flies away)
Apple Bloom's voice from another room: "Grr, silence, please! Truly, this is a punishment for my sins… her, universe, I promise, I'll never get drunk again! Just let me sleep calmly until morning, please!"