Inspired by the song of the same name from Trolls: The Beat Goes On.
Dusk Shine: Now, I suppose you're wondering why I've gathered you all here. Well, It's because I realized I shouldn't have call Presto a pompous windbag. Sure, he's boastful and a complete show off. But he's still a great guy. So I owe Presto an apology. In the form of a song. Here goes'.
[Dusk Shine] Oh would you forgive me for
everything I've done?
I didn't mean it
I should've seen that I was hurting someone
You shine bright like the sun in the sky on a beautiful day
You're enlightend, but humble
And handsome and so very bra-a-ave
Presto: That was lovely. But was that the entirety of your song, Dusk?
Dusk Shine: (reads the rest of the song and grumbles)
[Dusk Shine] I'm so sorry
Show me mercy
O, enlightend one
And would you forgive the way
Every single day I've could have done better
Now I'm regretting every thing I've said
You're a radiant being aluminating our way
We'd be lost in the dark without you and your glittering gaze
I'm so sorry
Show me mercy
O, enlightened one
Oh won't you forgive me for the mess that I made
For the mess that I made
Cause I keep relieving all the guilt and the shame
Just one new beginning
And I promise I'll change
Cause I can't keep going on
All this pain I caused keeps me away
I'm so sorry
Show me mercy
O' enlightened one
Oh, would you forgive me?
Presto: Well, since you sang that song so nicely. The Great and Powerful Presto has decided to forgive Dusk Shine.
(students cheer; the Rainbooms, both male and female join Dusk Shine)
Dusk Shine: (to Sunset Glare) So you guys aren't going to celebrate with Presto?
Sunset Glare: We may be friends now, but he's a bit much.
(both of the Rainbooms voice their agreements)
Sunset Shimmer: We already get enough of Trixie in our world. Which actually makes what you did for him all the more beautiful, Dusk.
Berry Bubble: In fact, I want to hear that song again!
Pinkie Pie: Me too! (pulls up Record Scratch) Let's rock that remix!
(Record Scratch plays a remix of Dusk Shine's song and everyone dances to it)