Some more members of the Harem Uganda is a part of!
Special thanks again goes to Nek0-butt for creating these beautiful antelopes!
Here are all of their bios written by Bliss herself.
Kesi is a piercing eyed pip-squeak with tons of energy and a pretty smile.
Her name means "Born in a difficult time". Her mother perished from a horrific predator attack, and barely survived herself.
She scraped her cheek on a rock and now has a scar as a result. After those dire events happened she wandered around, wounded and alone til she was found by Baridi.
Baridi carried her back to the harem and they have been close ever since.
Kesi likes to pull pranks on the current harem leader, especially when he makes others cry. To her, the harem leader is nothing but a big bully.
She is often seen playing in the bare fields or trying to win a staring contest with her reflection at a pool of water or stream.
Shes really sweet and incredibly honest. She wants to be strong and pretty like Uganda when she grows up.
Ayotee is an antelope with a love for tiny rocks and roots she digs up in the dirt.
She's pretty oblivious to the atmosphere of things, or that's how she seems to others. She's all smiles until the leader comes along, its almost as if her whole personality changes.
Ayotte is usually with Kesi helping her pull her pranks on the jerky leader, or digging in the dirt for roots and water. With how much she plays in the dirt her hooves tend to be really dirty which kinda irritates Baridi.
Her smart mouth tends to be a trigger for the leader, especially when she uses large words.
(When she meets Sabe, she shakes his hoof and says "Wow, your hooves! They're dirtier than mine…")
Kalere is literally her name, it means "short woman".
She's only just two times bigger than Kesi, but smaller than the rest of the ladies.
Kalere may be small but she eats like a elephant! Though due to the poor resources within the territory, she has to limit her food intake. Shes generally happy and is always looking out for her sisters. Since the resources are so little, she gathers whatever food she can find and gives it all to her sisters. The little bits of food she eats are not enough to give her the energy she needs.
This results in her becoming weak.
(Poor Kalere ;-; )