I needed to make a poster with Moon Dancer since I role play her a lot. Additionally I wanted to have a trilogy so here's the first part.
Since Moon Dancer has two different mane styles in the show, I decided to do at least one picture with both manes.
Bonus content for part1: Twilights mane >>1656012
Background story:
Part 1:
After searching another week through all the books in the Royal Nightmare Library Moon Dancer is confident that she found the right selection of books for the mighty ruler of the night.
Now she can face her majesty Nightmare Moon without fear. Every single little doubt disappeared as she reminded herself that she knew all books perfectly well.
She cannot just present any selection, it must be perfect. And this is what she has done.
Part 2: >>1656002
Part 3: >>1656010
This art work was mentioned at EQG
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Nightmare Moon by beardeddoomguy
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