This is my entry into Draw with Jazza's Challenge of the Month
The original image I "pimped out" is obviously The Girl with the Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer
Idea generation and work in progress file:
This was my first time entering the contest and I think I have met most of the criteria, if not all. I am happy with the way this turned out, it features many "pimped" things that I enjoy and I know Jazza would recognize.
I painted a famous/popular person in place of the original girl and referenced some pop culture including, Harry Potter, Dank Memes, Fortnite, Rick and Morty, My Little Pony and Bob Ross. I stayed away from the obvious and cliche ideas of phones, technology and fidget spinners. Originally I did have her sporting a fidget spinner earring but upon looking at all the entries, I saw 3 that had the same idea so I thought it'd be better to change it and instead put a reference on how Bob Ross beats the devil out of it.
(Rarity;s cutimark is on her armband)