The soft sounds of sobbing echoed through the sunlit town, interrupting Cookie Batter's quiet evening walk. He recognized these tears. The voice was soft, yet stern and commanding. Feminine, but stronger than most stallions he knew. Swiftly making his way towards the cries, he found he was heading into the Everfree Forest nearby. Such an isolated and dark place didn't make sense at first until the plants looked much more lively and green. He found a small clearing, surrounded by bright green plants and trees, flowers of many colors. Despite the beaming appearance, a lingering feeling of sorrow and despair hovered, and all the plants knew it as well. They all seemed to be watching whatever was in the middle of said clearing, staring and longing to comfort the poor soul who was breaking. This soul was none other than the draconequus pony hybrid of Ponyville, Jinx.
Jinx was curled in the middle of the beautiful clearing, head buried in her paws as she cried, continuing on and on with almost no end in sight. Her self-consciousness had gotten the best of her today. It was nothing special, just an off day. One of those days where you wake up feeling awful and it continues for the rest of the day and into the night. No cause, no reason. Just despair and fear following her around all day. Everywhere she went, she could just feel the eyes of her peers burning her. She knew the thoughts of them. Every last one of them, all thinking the exact same thing. She's a freak. The torture seemed to never end.
Once she got the chance, she escaped into her little corner of the world within the Everfree, and almost immediately, she collapsed and began sobbing. She must've been there for hours, doing nothing but crying. Crying her sorrows down a river of tears that stretched the span of her face. Tear stains covered her soft fur. Cookie Batter just watched in sorrow, debating on how to handle the situation. He didn't want to startle her, but he couldn't just leave her there! Anyone in this state can't be alone.
He cautiously stepped in to the clearing, being careful of his steps and how loud he was being. He watched Jinx, making sure he was not alarming her. Once close enough, he spoke….
"… Jinx? Are you okay?"
His soothing voice rang through the air, breaking the silence and sobs. Jinx's head flew up, staring at him in shock. In any given situation, she would have immediately ran away or snapped at the pony, scolding them and cursing them down. But this was different. She wasn't scared. She wasn't mad. She was none of those things. She was… relieved. Somewhat relaxed even. Although she still feared judgement, something held her back from being afraid of him. She just stared Cookie Batter in the eyes, blood rushing to her face and warming it, her face turning a faint rosy color. What was he doing here?
"What's wrong? I heard you crying from the road…" Cookie Batter stared back into her eyes, relaying comfort. Jinx said nothing. She only stared, her blushing only deepening in color. But she didn't have to say anything. The look in her eyes answered every question for Cookie Batter. Leaning down, he sat next to her and just hugged her. She didn't flinch. Her actions surprised the both of them. In response, she hugged him back and cried on his shoulder. His face softened, becoming concerned. He rubbed her soft back, shushing her to calm her as if a father would. The two sat there for the rest of the evening, the sun setting behind them.