Artist's description from DA:Name: Strawberry "Marz" Marscapone* Sandwich
Nicknames: Marz-Bar, Dreads
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn
Parents: Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie
Special Talent: Catering/Cooking
Personality: Just as bouncy and zany as his parents~
Marz is just like his parents, as if their energy passed into him from birth. Didn't help he was born a surprise unicorn. He had many magic bursts as a baby, using it to fly around and literally bounce off the walls. Thankfully, Auntie Twilight was able to help his poor parents keep him under control. His energy is infectious, and he adores feeding his friends and giving them something delicious to eat. He's very generous and loves to see his loved ones smile.
Fun Facts:
-He was one of the first out of Ponyville's new generation to gain his cutiemark thanks to his momma Pinkie Pie. She'd always have him with her in the kitchen as she cooked, and when he was old enough to handle the equipment she'd have him as 'her little sous chef'.
-Having been born a Unicorn, he was taught how to use magic by Princess Twilight. While he’s nowhere near Stella’s level, he can do all the basic things a normal Unicorn can do, which is perfect in his mind.
-He’s gained a sense similar to his mom and dad’s senses (Pinkie Sense and Cheesey Sense). He likes to call it “Berry Sense”, and his sense helps him in his cooking. Many ponies are shocked to know that he never times anything, but he explains that his Berry Sense helps him know when things are done.
-Much like his mother, his hair can deflate. It’s mainly due to a subconscious need to please others.
-He inherited his father's poor eyesight, ergo wearing contacts like Cheese. He has a pair of emergency glasses if needed. (idea given by StarCat-Lemuria)
-He was born with long, unruly hair. Pinkie took him to Fluttershy for tips, seeing as the pale pegasus had such long hair, and while SHE didn't have much in regards to advice, her friend Tree Hugger DID. Tree Hugger taught Pinkie Pie how to properly style and care for Marz's hair, giving her tips on how to keep the dreads clean. Fluttershy always chimed in with alternatives whenever Tree Hugger mentioned a tip that was a tad….off. (Note to self, shampoo is just as helpful as flowers when it comes time to wash his mane)
* I do know that the word is technically MASCARpone. And that the way it's spelled above is a mispronunciation. However, I honestly need the "mars" in his name to make sense of his nickname. Also, I figure the pony that made Marz's birth certificate might've messed it up (sorta like how Oprah's name was supposed to be Orpah), and when Pinkie noticed the nickname he could have, she let it stick.