When Moondancer finally had her foal, she felt something click inside of her that was something far beyond scientific. Her heart would race and she cuddled her very tiny foal in her hooves, and kissed the little creature she made all by herself. She loved her little foal more than anything else she'd ever known. She gave birth to a little unicorn colt who looked exactly like his mother, eyebrows and all. She later named him Moon Light Song but calls him her 'Little Moony'.
Moon Light Song was a very sheepish foal who stayed close to his mother and would even read over her shoulder as she did her studying. Like his mother, Moony loved reading a great deal, and he would read books that his mother read, not little nursery rhymes like other colts and fillies. Though he was a bit shyer, Moony actually didn't mind meeting other new foals. He would usually ask about stories they read and stuff they liked, but he had no idea what kind of books and stories they liked mostly cause those nursery rhymes were never in the Canterlot Archives.
However, Moony is very much a Mama's boy and I can't wait to include him in a lot of other Next Gen storylines~