Artist's description from DA:Originally to answer a Tumblr questions: [link]
C/P from the post:
Time for another lesson about Equestria! This time it’s about Pegasi. To answer your questions (somewhat indirectly): The wing ears simply denote their race, the ability to fly varies between each Pegasus.
I came up with Rainbow’s wings first. When she spreads her wings, they sprout from her feet, and she can fly like how a roller-blader skates. Of course, she can also pull off great air maneuvers, and whenever I learn to animate, I’ll have to show you.
Of course, it’s not always wings. As Spitfire shows, he “wings” take form of an F/A-18 Hornet Fighter Jet (the planes that the Blue Angels use). She’s very much like Wonder Woman with her invisible jet.
It can be wings that grow from the back, but not necessarily feathery wings (though if they do preen, feathers still fall out). Fluttershy’s wings take on a fairy or butterfly look, as she is a much more delicate flier.
Finally, fillies has formless wings. Around the time they discover their cutie mark, they also learn how to “spread their wings” properly, but until then, the formless pegasi magic allows them to learn how to fly and experiment with different wing spreads. Scootaloo here has exhibited the ability to fly, but not a mastery, so her wing spread isn’t quite complete yet.
If you’re wondering what Roid Rage would look like, imagine bumblebee wings, small yet surprisingly able to lift a creature of such disproportionate size. Celestia and Luna also have unique wings spreads, as they too have both the traits of Unicorns and Pegasi.
Nyan Rainbow on Scootaloo's shirt by CrizCamacho