►This is my concept art / sketch for my Princess Freezing Spark Pony. As you can see there are two crowns I personally prefer the one on the top but yeah they are just concepts and can change anytime. Well I hope you like my concept drawing for my first princess pony and thank you very much for checking it out.
►Drawn in Paint Tool SAI ►Graphics Tablet: Wacom Bamboo Pen ►Drawn on 4.12.13 ►Drawing/Art ~ (C) SyncedsArt►Pony and its Name ~ (C) :devyncedsArt: ►My Little Pony ~ (C) Hasbro Studios LLC ►PLEASE DO NOT STEAL IT !!!!
Upvotes at import: 5 | Stars at import: 3 Posted previously at: 2018-04-01T02:39:07 | Posted previously by: syncedsart
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