Just a few doodles I put together that I used for practice in Photoshop.
I've still got like a butt-ton of these coming be be warned.
1. I've always loved the Cakes as a couple, and I really wish they'd get their own episode or a little more sceentime. They are just simply the cutest and its quite obvious Carrot adores his Cupcake. Hence snuggles.
2. Nightmare Maid Rarity. I just really loved the design of such and wanted to draw. Plus it was an excuse to draw snooty Rarity.
3. Gilda comes forth with a peace offering after discovering that friendship isn't half bad. Of course, Fluttershy accepts and the kind pegasus invites the griffon in for tea. Her big noodle of a boyfriend friend Discord might not have the best things to say about the matter…