Anonymous said:
Say thanks to the mare for letting you keep thje Lens of Honesty, and promise to come back when you have money to spend. It's only right.
Crystal Charm uses her unicorn magic to help tie the Lens of Honesty’s ribbon around your neck.
You equip Lens of Honesty.Hint:
Items you currently have equipped are shown on the Equipment screen.
(The equipment screen is only available at the source.)
Crystal Charm: “Here! Now you won’t have to carry it in your mouth all the way to your bags.”
You thank Crystal Charm for the item, and promise her to come back once you have some bits to spend.
Crystal Charm: “Aww, it’s no trouble at all, really. Ponies from Hoofington are proud of their crafts! You see, it’s more about being helpful than it is about making money.”
Still, you ask her if there any way you can make it up to her. It’s only fair!
Crystal Charm: “Hmm… well, I sure would love to see you again, so if there’s anything else you were interested in, just come by and I’ll be happy to sell you more of my trinkets! Oh, and if you find any gemstones, I can buy them off of you for a fair price.”
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