Wanted to draw them all in my image and write abit of their stories just now, though I'll probably do a much more detailed one later on,
AppleJack — Still currently on the Apple Farm, AJ has now took over it, making sure everything is in order and keeping everything right. She lives with Rarity and their son. She still loves a day off to go to the spa.
Rainbow Dash — RD lives at her home still but now with Soarin. She is now a leading Wonderbolt and is an inspiration to her kids aswell as her husband. She still likes to have tea and visit Pinkie aswell as Twilight since their kids get along also.
Pinkie Pie — Pinkie is still in Ponyville with her party Favour as she now takes care of Sugar Cube corner now that Mr and Mrs cake have retired. She still invites her friends for some sweets at her new work and often sends packages to them.
Fluttershy — Still in her cottage outisde of Ponyville, she lives with Bulk and her son. She is still unaware of her daughters whereabouts and wonders where she could be, noone else knowing currently about her hidden daughter. She learned a few string instruments bought from Aj's and rarity's son.
Twilight — She still lives in her castle being the princess of friendship and magic with her husband,and her two daughters. Shes been overcome with duties with her work and was insisted by Celestia to have a few staff members to help around with cleaning, cooking and such.
Rarity — Rarity still keeps her fashion lines up and has a small study which Aj built in the house. She teaches her son how to be creative and to express things.
Sorry it might've sounded a bit lazy, just tired is all and working on some other projects ha