Name: Rosy McIntosh
Nickname(s): Rosy Mac, Rose
Parents: Big McIntosh and Fluttershy
Sibling(s): Apple Flitter, Berry Patch, Gala Cream, Daffodil
Personality: Respectable, Mild-Mannered, Loves Children, Perfect Gentlecolt, A Gentle Giant
Special Talent: Nature Conservation
Role/Job: Farmhand, Animal Caregiver, Elementary Outdoor Education Instructor
- Rosy McIntosh is the firstborn and only son from Big Mac and Fluttershy—who was pregnant with the colt on her wedding day and gave birth a couple weeks after. Rosy McIntosh was named after Fluttershy's grandmother, Posey, and after his father and grandfather, Bright McIntosh.
- Growing up, Rosy Mac was always respectable young colt and his teachers always bragged to his parents how well-mannered he always was in class. Rosy Mac is best friends with Flare Blitz, the ecstatic colt of Soarin and Rainbow Dash, and the two of them went everywhere together… for the most part. Rosy Mac would more often than not refuse to participate in Flare Blitz's crazy schemes.
- Nothing made Rosy Mac more excited when his parents brought his new baby sister, Apple Flitter, home from the hospital. The colt fell in love with the little baby and cooed over her all day, and he always did his best to make sure she was always okay, being more protective of the lanky filly moreso than their parents.
- Around the time Rosy Mac received his cutie mark, one night he heard a noise outside in the vegetable patch and instead of waking his Pa—the lanky colt made his way outside only armed with a flashlight. He discovered a skinny, dirty unicorn filly that was tring to take some carrots. Without thinking much on it, he invited the small filly (younger than his sister Apple Flitter) indoors and woke his parents up. Rosy Mac didn't know what happened next (until he was older) but suddenly the filly, named Berry Patch, was living with them and his parents explained that she was their new sister and she was part of the family.
- After graduating high school, and finally growing into his Uncle Zephyr Breeze's height with his father's bulk, he briefly left Sweet Apple Acres and cottage he grew up in (Twilight teleported Fluttershy's animal sanctuary and house to Sweet Apple Acres as a wedding present to Flutters using plot-convenient magic) and made his way to Manehatten to attend college. There he studied outdoor sciences and quickly graduated with honors and returned home around the time to meet his newborn baby sisters, Gala Cream and Daffodil.
- Currently Rosy Mac is the outdoor education teacher at the Ponyville elementary school working closely with his friends Flare Blitz, Southern Comfort, and Budding Rose as fellow teachers.
OTP OTP OTP chanting, slamming fists on table
Yeah yeah I know Big Mac is dating Sugar Belle in canon but Fluttermac is my lifeblood soooo we're saying the relationship didn't last but ended on good terms. Nothing against SugarMac it's a cute ship with lots of cute kids BUT——
Rosy McIntosh belongs to me
Design/Dolling by me
Base belongs to MPLbasemaker33 w/ original art by Faith-Wolff