Anonymous said:
See if you can haggle for a cheaper map of the Everfree Forest since you're 8 bits short otherwise. Maybe offer to help Leaf Chaser on her next mapping expedition as part of the payment?
You roll an 18 (required 10). Success!
You tell Leaf Chaser that you’d really like to get a map of the Everfree Forest, but can’t afford it. You ask if there is any way you could get a discount on that one.
Leaf Chaser: “Hmm… well, there is one thing you could do. See, drawing maps is fun and all, but I wish I was good at drawing ponies too, like my sister is. She says I just need practice, but I can’t get a good reference because ponies are always moving!
It’s a pain in the butt, but since we’ve got some time, do you wanna model for me ‘til dinner’s ready?”
You ask how much of a discount you would get out of this deal.
Leaf Chaser grins and trots to her dresser. She opens the bottom drawer and pulls out two pairs of adult-sized striped blue socks.
Leaf Chaser: “If you take off your pendant thingy and wear these, I’ll give you the map for free!”
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