This is just my personal version/headcanon of Flurry Heart, she may end up different in the show so please don't take this version as canon
:edit: changed picture to the new uniform size and style
General Info
Name: Flurry Heart
Age: 25
Race/Species: Alicorn
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Mother: Princess Cadence
Father: Shining Armor
Sibling(s): Crystal Tiara, Faithful Love, Pure Heart Pet: N/A
Talent: snow and ice magic
Cutie Mark: A snowflake with a bright blue aura around it
Magical Ability?: very powerful, as an alicorn she has an almost endless supply of magic
Personality: calm, cool and collected, just like the winter snow that she was named after. However, much like winter, she can become harsh and fiercely cold if she gets angry. She is currently known as the Princess of Ice or Ice Princess
Relationship Status: Currently single
Physical Appearance
Coat Color: white-pink Eye Color: bright turquoise Mane Color: pink-purple gradient with bright turquoise streaks Extra markings/details: Flight and tail fathers fade from coat color to mane colors Magic Color?: bright blue Speed Trail?: white-pink, turquoise and purple Hooves: bright turquoise