Thank you everypony for your support. I'm all okay now. I can draw again and I can write again.
I'm completely healed from whatever I got back then XD just a little skin shedding now.
But I can't take any commissions still. I have final exams coming soon.
I probably will open back my commissions and start drawing again around the start of June.
Oh and also, i want to say a big sorry to everypony whose messages I hardly answer, but really I'm not into talking that much (except commissions of course lol). I can be nice but I have quite severe social anxiety.
So I was talking this out with Slipstream and he is willing to talk with you guys. If you guys want to know stuff about me or just want to talk, you can talk to Slip XD
I put his facebook link on my bio.
I guess that's all I want you guys to know, other than that thank you so much for supporting me. I wouldn't have done it without you guys. Stay safe and stay awesome!
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