Group shot version of the individual pics:
DA Descriptions:
Scootaloo: Here's my impression of teenage Scootaloo, a spunky daredevil who's a bit shorter and skinnier than the others, but tough as nails and likes skiing, snowboarding, skating, and carting: she's basically an adrenaline junkie who lives for the moment and isn't afraid to get her hooves dirty (or bruised, for that matter).
Apple Bloom: Here's my impression of teenage Apple Bloom, a rough-and-tumble farm girl who's undergone a teen growth spurt, taking after her father. She's out-grown her older sister, and can give her big brother a run for his money in a hoof-wrasslin' match. She's taken to wearing her grandfather's (on her dad's side) favorite neckerchief, after learning more about her family history from Granny Smith and Grand Pear.
Sweetie Belle: Here's my impression of teenage Sweetie Belle, a poised and collected (and slightly preppy) singer and actress who is working hard on a music scholarship but always takes time for her friends when they need her.
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