Description from source:Ok, since last episode was adorable I tried to work a little on CMC NG. However it's still not official XD
1. Snails x Apple Bloom- Raindrop
Raindrop is an innocent dork. She has a thing for snails (because of her father) and other " disgusting things". She is usually in charge of catching spider and bugs in class, so if you need someone to explore, muddy, gooey and dirty area…she's your guy…filly…idk. The only reason why she's not constantly covered in mood is because Needle pampers her at every occasion. She tries to help at farm, but she's more interested in growing vegetables.
Apple Family was a bit…concerned about her eyes, however Snails absolutely adores them saying that she looks just like his mother. I guess beauty comes in family.
2. Scootaloo x Diamond Tiara- Lightning Chaser
She's a hot head, confident filly and the leader of new CMC, mostly because Raindrop isn't into leadership and Needle has a tendencies for daydreaming. Chaser is really good at arguing, discussions and excuse making, her best partner for it is usually Needle. These two tends to fight a lot, but when they cooperate, they are the best lawyer due you'll ever find. She's really jealous of Raindrop's resistance to bugs ect. since Diamond's personality left some marks on her. She's a fan of Scootaloo and finds her super cool. She'll probably become a police officer when she'll grow up.
3. Snips x Sweetie Belle- Needle<- You can find more about her here. I'm actually really satisfied with her personality, so I'll probably won't change it.
That's it I guess XD
Lightning Chaser was born thanks to Discord's magic and Zecora's assistance. For Discord it was a little "gift" for letting him out at the first time.
Rumble and Pipsqueak aren't that familiar with Discord, that's why they adopted their son.