I draw way too much. Sorry for spam.
Won't talk about all of them, but a select few.
4. "Alright, Rumble! Puff out that chest, fluff up those wings! You are going to be the best cook ever! You got that?!"
"Uh…yeah, I guess."
"You guess, what?!"
"I guess, Coach Scootaloo the Awesome Coolness."
6. Soooo….are we, like, EVER going to address this dynamic? I guess they're subverting the "close twins" trope by having…no trope at all? SERIOUSLY HASBRO THESE TWO ARE SO CUTE THEY NEED AN EPISODE MARBLE IS LITERALLY PINKIE'S TWIN SISTER.
10. ember as a babbu
11. And yet another character that has disappeared off the face of the show. Coming into this fandom a bit late, I didn't know everyone literally hated Twist. Be it her fluffy design, big nose, or voice, I've seen a lot of it. But I don't get it. Twist is so damn cute! If anything, I wanna know what happened to her! She got her cutie mark and AB kinda just completely wrote her off, even though she still wanted to hang out and go to Diamond Tiara's party together.
Like we don't even see her as a background character anymore, and for a fandom that is obsessed with the littlest background details, I'm surprised no one talks about Twist. But here she is, cute as a button anyway.
14. Doodle of what Scorpan may look like. Referenced both the comic and show designs.
Bros of Has, you already brought back freaking Starswirl, we ever gonna hear about this guy?
15. "Look, Pa! 'Ahm ah big pony, just like you!"
"Heh-heh, you sure are, sugarcube."
18. Cheese Sandwich spends some quality time with his brother-in-law, Mud Briar. I would imagine Mud would be less-than-thrilled with his new family member, who seems just as excitable as his wife, but Cheese quickly adopts Mud as a new best friend. Mud eventually comes around, but not with much enthusiasm. Cheese doesn't seem to mind much.
Characters © Hasbro, Lauren Faust
Art © 2018