Taffy: “Who’s ready for Story time!”
Foals chorus: “Me, me, Me, me, Me!”
Taffy: “Alright then, let’s go inside. Last one there is a two-week-old bagel!”
One thing about Taffy, she adores kids, with their cute little eyes and pinchy cheeks and big hearts. She feels right at home with them. They are her one weakness, after all. She especially loves to reach out to the kids at the local orphanage and not-so local orphanages, doing all sorts of things like reading/ telling them stories, making crafts, singing songs, and taking the out on field trips. She even joined a program where she annually takes a certain foal or filly under her wing and becomes an honorary big sister to them ( although honestly, she’s basically the adopted big sis of the all the orphans). The list of things she does for them is huge and I could go on forever.
Aside from reaching out and helping make the kids lives there better, Taffy also does volunteer work at summer camps, hospitals, nursing homes, and animal shelters. If there’s a food or clothes drive in town, you can bet Taffy’s going to be there bright and early.
She didn’t earn the title ‘ Goody-Two-Shoes Taffy’ for nothing.