I've already drawn this character before, but here's a re-design of sorts.
This is Widjet, my most developed character, and the one I've chosen to use as my OC.
Widjet is an inventor, and engineer for the Equestrian Transportation Authority, as well as a contractor for the Equestrian Defense Commission. He started out living in Manehattan, in a part of the city where everypony cares for each other about as much as they care about dirt. That's not to say his life has been hard, it was actually pretty easy given that his parents where quite well off.
Though it's still left him jaded and cynical to an extent, he tries to be nice to everypony, but if he feels he's being treated poorly he's quite vocal about it. When he made the move to Canterlot to keep up with contracts it threw him for a loop, since everypony is generally nice and helpful there.
Now to address the wings and his eye, the simple answer is not all of Princess Celestia's plans work out perfectly. Especially when they are driven by a fear of losing somepony she holds very dear, almost like a daughter. Though I've already gone through that in a previous image, and I just like the back story too much to ditch it.
Ultimately he invented the wings to give a pegasus who's lost their wings their flight back, but unfortunately there isn't a power source small enough to make them effective, so even on himself they are limited in flight time and speed. On top of that, they are interfaced directly with his nervous system, which was an extremely traumatic experience he wouldn't wish on anypony else.
As for the eye, when he lost his real one he only wanted his vision back, so it only gives him normal vision. There are no special features to it, and it has to be charged daily.
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