“Hey! You!”
Turquoise Edge trotted across the field of rocks, squinting disgustedly at the tall, black stallion lingering by her house.
“What are you doing, intruding on our farm? Didn’t you read the ‘No Trespassers’ sign?” But she didn’t need to ask to know why he was there. With the familiar sound of hairspray cans and humming coming from inside, she knew. He was there to steal her brother.
Ambrosia’s ears twitched as he could almost feel her angry glare burning a hole in his head. He let out a deep, annoyed sigh and turned on his heels to face his boyfriend’s sister. "Good morning, Turquoise. It isn't trespassing when I'm invited."
“Invited, huh? Hawk’s supposed to get permission from Ma before he invites strangers over. So it’s still trespassing if it’s not authorized.” Turquoise flapped her wings to get up to his eye level. “What’s your business here?”
Ambrosia scrunched up his muzzle as he and Turquoise came face to face, using his magic to push her back a bit. He raised his eyebrows in confusion, gesturing towards the house rather calmly. "I'm bringing Hawk with me to my world; we have a special surprise to start planning for." He finished with a soft wink to keep things above water.
Turquoise snorted. “Bringing him to your world? I guarantee you whatever you’re doing can stay in Equestria. Hawk doesn’t need to be hanging around those hairless apes. Besides, he has work to do here.” She got up in his face like a bull ready to charge. “You BETTER not be trying anything funny with him!”
Suddenly and to her surprise, Ambrosia swooped up Turquoise and pinned her against the wall with one hoof. "Listen to me and listen good. I love your brother more than there are words to count the stars in the sky. I want to spend the rest of my life with him, I want to marry him, and I want to start a family with him. It's clear as day that you think there's something wrong with me and my world, but I can assure you I'd die before anyone laid a hoof on him. Understand?“
“I…” Turquoise struggled a bit under Ambrosia’s grip, but once she realized how sincere he was she gave in and sighed. “Just…take care of him, okay? He’s an important part of our family. To our farm, to Opal, Ma, Dad…and me. I…We won’t know what to do without him. We’ve always been together.” She coughed to hide her emotions, as her expression quickly changed to her usual scowl. “So if you’re going to steal him, you BETTER treat him right. You hear me?”
The more she let out, the more Ambrosia loosened his grip. His ears pinning flatly to his head as he couldn't help but smile warmly. After all was said and done, he dropped her to the ground as gently as possible, brushing off any dirt he got on her and letting out a deep sigh. "We'll write and call and send pictures of everything, we’ll visit as much as we can, and maybe you can even visit us. You're going to be my sister soon and I take care of my family. He'll be safe in my hooves…Aunt Turquoise."
Ambrosia winked again as he trotted off, leaving her to wonder what that could possibly mean. She'd see in a few months…