"Mel I have a theory about how clouds are made!"
"Not again..they’re made in the weather factory!"
"But what if clouds form when rising air, through expansion, cools to the point where some of the water vapor molecules ‘clump together’ faster than they are torn apart by their thermal energy???"
Pristine Melody has tasted more than one kind of fruit in her past! With her rebellious stage at its peak and with a desire to defy her Ma’s strict anti-strawberry rules, Mel entered a relationship with an old rival’s daughter, Sweetheart White. The two dated mostly to be rebellious, but they did genuinely like each other. But what Mel didn’t fully realize was that Sweetheart is a wild conspiracy theorist obsessed with aliens. Like, “spending every single date ranting about aliens” obsessed. Mel loved her, she really did, but they just weren’t compatible. The relationship didn’t last very long, but they did remain good friends! And whenever they meet up, it’s just like old times as Sweetheart goes on about her conspiracy theories…