After Twilight fails to solve the riddle, Pinkie Pie remains grey in color and rather….cruel for a while. She tries to continue her daily life in Ponyville, despite things being really different, through less ponies show up to the bakery. Pinkie mainly seemed to scare everpony off because of her mean-ness from remaining discorded.
This all changed when one day Soarin arrives, seeking pie and cupcakes. Pinkie Pie gives him a mean response, to which he finds funny; and laughs at as a result. Pinkie Pie is a little stunned, and gives him his goods. He countines to come back each week and the two talk even more. Soarin reveals that he quit being a Wonderbolt, as Cloudsdale has become rather crazy due to Discords wacky world. He decided to move to Ponyville and states that he's glad there's a bakery nearby. Pinkie begins gaining some of her color back, feeling bouncy around Soarin. The stallion seems to be flirting with her! As the weeks go on, Soarin notices that the Pink pony is actually Pink again! Pinkie gives him a surprise kiss while giving him a cake, and the two became official from that point on!
Soarin' eventually proposed despite hesitation from Pinkie's father. They got married near Ghastly Gorge, around about the same time as her sister Marble's wedding.("Best Bride Sisters forever!") Soarin and Pinkie moved into a nice house in Ponyvillie after going to Seaddle for their honeymoon.
After 5 years of marriage, the two decided to try for a child. Thus came the arrival of Frosted Sugar Cloud a perky and happy fellow who spreads joy whereever he goes! He has a talent for making pastries and his cutie mark is a delicous cinnamon roll. He is close with his Aunt Maud as well.
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