Ah, book nerds.
This is sort of art collab where my Pinke pie son, Rocky, meets up over dimensions for tea, books, and logical discussions with LolaDitz ’s Pinkie Pie son who is also named…well…Rocky.
It wasn’t just their name and parent similarities that prompted this piece, oh no, they have a lot more in common than that. Both are logical, analytical, awkward-socially book nerds who claim to know it all and actually do, at least, not the sunbjects that interest them. These two are like serious, glasses-wearing peas in a pod!
Guess my Rocky isn’t as unusual as he originally thought. It’s good for him to know that there a pony, waaaay out there across time and space, that struggles with the same issues of being different and being burdened with the weight of knowledge like he does.
Then again, maybe it’s for the best that these two aren’t in the same universe. I don’t think others could take that much neediness at one time.
(Also, I’m sorry if the Dialouge is crappy. I tried to make them sound like they’re discussing smart stuff, but because I’m too stupid myself, it’s may have come off a small such. Seriously, I just made this all up off the top of my head. :| )