I am less interested in main character ships so let's meet the Background 6 first!
I AM SORRY for having done nothing good so far.What's worse,I haven't done a little of my schoolshit……I swear I will do it tomorrow.;; Okay let's get back.Here we have a small part of my headcannon,which is about the Background 6!Well I don't know why I use "!".Seems as if I had something well done.
I feel guilty to use bases.I am not afraid to say.But I do have no motivation to draw em…..I believe I can do that later…Then there will be more information,too.
[More will be added,maybe.:Y]
Since I don’t ship em with ponies out of the six,I just put em in pair.:TBon Bon(Sweet Drops)
Married to Lyra.
Lives in Ponyvile.
Manages a large candy shop.
Still a secret agent.As she ages,Bon Bon sometimes tells it to some ponies.However,none of them believes her,and they think she's just joking.
Lyra Heartstrings
Married to Bon Bon.
Works as an anthropologist a performer playing her lyre in Bon Bon's store(My bad if the word "harp" is incorrect).
Somewhat jokey
Youngest of the six
Octavia MelodyMarried to Vinyl Scratch.She left her previous band as its members have changed.Now she works together with Vinyl but also works in some colleges if invited.She goes to talk about classical stuff,of course.Becomes shortsighted composing late into the night,though not really serious.She tied her mane because she thought she’d look too old with short mane.
Vinyl ScratchMarried to Octavia Melody
Has got more flirty with her cellist and become more talktive since married.
She lives in Ponyvile with her wife.She mainly works with Octavia making records,which they both enjoy.
Her hearing has decreased a little as a result of too much earphone.
Married to Doctor
Lives in Ponyvile
Doctor Whooves
Married Derpy
Lives in Ponyvile,but often goes around to give speeches about science.He is a professor in science.
Too busy to take care of his mane,so he looks a little messy.Not until Derpy reminds him to shave can he remember to do that.
Oldest of the six.
Do tell me what you think,except shipping objections and advocation of your ships.I am wondering the next part,Mane 6 or Supporting characters?
Hope ya like it!-
BTW thank SelenaEde and Strawberry-Spritz for their bases!