Permission granted from vector artist kuren247 to post this to Derpibooru.Humans often use motor vehicles to travel anywhere they like without the hassle of walking. That matter
was going to change when a loud CRUNCH came from a parking lot. An enormous filly emerges from one
parking lot to the next and appears to be unwittingly flattening metals on wheels underneath her hooves.
"What a cute little playground!" she boomed curiously before
continuing "Even the sand below are nourishing my tired hooves."
Her name was Cozy Glow. A young pegasus who was 'practicing' to be evil
as she was devising a plot to take over Twilight's School of Friendship.
SMASH, another group of parked cars were reduced to sheets of metal. When Cozy Glow
lifted up her huge hoof to examine what she has just done, her face lit up with pure evil.
"Hmm… I think I might get used to this! Muhahaha!" she laughed evilly
before continuing rampaging the parking lot with another CRUNCH.
Cozy Glow would savor every moment of flattening the tinies' automobile industry,
until there was none left that the city has to offer. Even one tiny below her barely
escaped from his car moments before it was crushed too by the filly's hoof.
"What was that for?! Why did you wreck my car?!" he angrily shouted at the oversized filly.
She notices the tiny and replied (in a cute look) "Oh, I just want
to be 'careful' towards the so-called humans if I ever meet one,"
(then in an evil way) "and now that I've actually met one,
I think we're gonna have a little ball!" She smirked.
The tiny's anger turned into fear when Cozy Glow lifted up her massive
hoof above him. He was surrounded by parked cars and that his escape
route is very limited. "Oh, crud…" And before you know it… CRUNCH!
Fortunately for the tiny, a giant pony's hoof is always soft, so he got stuck underneath
the sole instead of being flattened. His next speeches underneath would be muffled.
"Ooh, you make a nice hoof toy! I wonder if I could find more of you…"
Cozy Glow giggled deviously as she looked at the tiny stuck to her hoof.
Cozy Glow vector by:(kuren247)